5.school gate/Remember/to/for/tomorrow morning/me/wait/the/at

5.school gate/Remember/to/for/tomorrow morning/me/wait/the/at
Câu trả lời này dùng AI, hãy kiểm tra lại trước khi sử dụng
The correct sentence is: "Remember to wait for me at the school gate tomorrow morning."


1. Subject and Verb: The sentence starts with "Remember," which is the imperative verb. It gives a command or instruction to someone to keep something in mind.

2. Infinitive Form: After the verb "Remember," we use the infinitive "to wait." This is a common construction in English, where "remember" is followed by an infinitive to indicate what needs to be remembered.

3. Preposition: The phrase "for me" indicates who the waiting is for. It specifies that the action of waiting is directed towards "me," the speaker.

4. Location: "at the school gate" indicates the specific place where the waiting should happen. The preposition "at" is used to describe a physical location.

5. Time: Finally, "tomorrow morning" provides the time when this action should take place. This phrase is necessary to clarify when the person should perform the action of waiting.

By combining all these elements logically and grammatically, we arrive at the final sentence.
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