sachs academy stars 4 bài trong đó , từ câu 1 đến câu 10 là bài firfeighter joe

sachs academy stars 4 bài trong đó , từ câu 1 đến câu 10 là bài firfeighter joe                                                                                                                                            1. What do many people thik fireghters do all day       2. How does the fireghters describe their job      3.  What funny event happened on the day the fireghters  responded to a call                                        4. Who wasworried and callthe fireghters       5. What did the fireghters  find at the top of the tree        6. How did the little boy feel while sitting in the tree       7.What was the boy's reason for climbing the tree         8. Where did the kitten end upbeing found      9 What did the fireghters say to the boy about becoming a fireghters       10 . How did the little boy react to the fireghters's sungggestion
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