Đề cương ôn tập học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 8 - Friends Plus

2024-09-14 09:54:23


I. Từ vựng

Unit 5. Years ahead

+ Động từ “get”

+ Con người trong tương lai

Unit 6. Learn

+ Trường học & các kì thi

+ Các khóa học & nghề nghiệp

Unit 7. Big ideas

+ Những hành động tử tế

+ Đặc điểm tính cách

Unit 8. On screen

+ Phim & các loại sách

II. Ngữ pháp

1. Câu điều kiện loại 1 với if/ unless

2. might/ will

3. will & be going to

4. Thì tương lai tiếp diễn

5. Mệnh đề “to V” chỉ mục đích

6. can/ could/ be able to

7. have to/ need to/ must/ should

8. Câu tường thuật

9. Câu điều kiện loại 2

10. Câu bị động thì hiện tại, quá khứ

III. Ngữ âm

1. Âm câm

2. /ɡ/ & /dʒ/


I. Từ vựng

Unit 5

a) Choose the correct meaning.

1. Sarah has got a degree.

A. She has completed the school year.

B. She has passed her final university exams.

C. She has started her university course.

2. Adam's parents are getting rich.

A. They are giving Adam money.

B. They have always been rich.

C. They are making a lot of money.

3.  My sister got a phone for her birthday.

A. Someone phoned her.

B. Someone bought her a phone.

C. She bought a phone.

4. Alicia has just got her driving licence.

A. She's passed her driving test.

B. She can't drive a car.

C. She's started driving lessons.

5. Michael gets a pension.

A. He saves money for when he's older.

B. He doesn't work now but receives money.

C. He receives money for the work he does.

Đáp án:

1. B

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. B

b) Choose the correct word.

1. They decided to take some time up / out and travel before university.

2. We always pass / spend some time abroad in the holidays.

3. It's a nice job, but I don't win / earn much money.

4. I'd like to take down / up a new sport. Which one do you recommend?

5. My uncle has never settled / taken down and got married.

6. Elena doesn't want to look / tie herself down yet with a family and a house.

Đáp án:

1. out

2. spend

3. earn

4. up

5. settled

6. tie

Unit 6

a) Choose the correct words to complete what Ali and Phoebe say about school.

School can be hard work, but I like it. I always go to lessons and 1 do / make / write homework on time. It's important for me to 2 write / pass / make my exams because I want to be a vet. I need to 3 do / be / get good qualifications so that can 4 go / get / be into university one day.

I've been at boarding school since I was eight. Living away from home is OK, but we have to 5 make / take / obey rules all the time. I don't always 6 pass / get / do good marks in tests, and last year, I 7 failed / fell / lost a math exam. This year, I need to 8 study / take / help extra classes and 9 enroll / join / sign myself in homework club to do better!

Đáp án:

1. do

2. pass

3. get

4. go

5. obey

6. get

7. failed

8. take

9. enroll

b) Choose the correct words.

1. They're attending / training to be engineers.

2. Amy wants to study law / management, so she can start her own restaurant business one day.

3. Jim is doing a position / course in construction, because he wants to be a builder.

4. My sister didn't get the right qualifications / notes for the teaching course.

5. Aidan didn't go to /assist school today.

6. Are you going to apply for the nursing / job?

Đáp án:

1. training

2. management

3. course

4. qualifications

5. go to

6. job

Unit 7

a) Complete the article with the correct words.

How can we end poverty? Experts say that 1 donating / volunteering / boycotting money to charity isn't enough. However, we can use 'microloans' to 2 support / ban / protest people. Many poor people 3 believe / support / aim to start their own businesses, but normal banks 4 ban / protest / propose them from borrowing the money they need. Bangladeshi businessman Muhammad Yunus 5 campaigned / proposed / aimed a new idea: 'microfinance. This is when wealthy people make very small loans online that allow poor people to start a business and earn their own money. Lhamu from Tibet says that microloans have changed her life. Her family 6 campaigned / believed / volunteered in her abilities, and they persuaded her to develop her clothes business. The small loan helped her to buy a laptop, get training and build a website. Her business is now 300% bigger!

Đáp án:

1. donating

2. support

3. aim

4. protest

5. proposed

6. believed

b) Read Freya's conversation with her grandmother, Sue. Complete the adjectives.

Freya: So, tell me about Grandad. How did you first meet?

Sue: Well, one morning on my way to work, I dropped my purse. He saw it and returned it to me. So, I immediately knew he was an honest man.

Freya: And he became a policeman after you got married, didn't he? You need to be 1 b________ to do a job like that.

Sue: Yes. He often caught criminals. He was very 2 h________ . He was also 3 f________ because he treated everyone equally.

Freya: And what was he like at home?

Sue: He was always giving me presents. He was a very 4 g________ and 5 t________ man. He wasn't very 6p________ though he hated waiting for things!

Đáp án:

1. brave

2. heroic

3. fair

4. generous

5. thoughtful

6. patient

Unit 8

a) Match the plot with a film and / or book genre.

1. Lauren's family is moving to a different city. What will her now neighbors and school be like?

2. Can Superman save the city again in this new book?

3. People are disappearing from the town, but can the detective find out why?

4. What happens when robots become more intelligent than humans?

5. In a strange land, one child must use her magic to save her people.

6. A gang follows James Franklin across six countries, by car, ship and helicopter.

Đáp án:

1. drama

2. action

3. mystery

4. science fiction

5. fantasy

6. adventure

b) Choose the correct word.

1. Peter Jackson is one of the most successful film directors / nominations in the world.

2. The Fault in Our Stars film was adapted / written from a book by John Green.

3. The film Titanic was nominated / starred for fourteen Oscars and won eleven awards.

4. The original Spider-Man graphic novel was awarded / written by Stan Lee.

5. Katharine Hepburn was adapted / awarded four Oscars in her acting career.

6. Actor / Nomination Leonardo DiCaprio won an Oscar in 2016.

Đáp án:

1. directors

2. adapted

3. nominated

4. written

5. awarded

6. Actor

II. Ngữ pháp

Exercise 1

Complete the first conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets and if or unless.

1. I ________ (come) out later ________ I’m too tired.

2. ________ it ________ (rain) tomorrow, we'll stay inside and watch a film.

3. We ________ (text) you ________ we have any problems.

4. ________ they’re too heavy, I ________ (carry) the bags.

5. She won’t understand you ________ you ________ (speak) clearly.

6. ________ she wins the race, she ________ be so happy.

Đáp án:

1. will come – unless

2. If – rains

3. will text – if

4. If – will carry

5. unless – speak

6. If – will be

Exercise 2

Complete the dialogue with will, won't, might or might not.

Zac: Will you see Aisha tonight at the café after swimming club?

Eli: I 1 _______ do. I hope so. She 2_______be at swimming because she never misses it. But she 3_______ come to the café afterwards. Sometimes, she goes home early.

Zac: OK, well, if you see her, can you tell her that I 4_______be late for band practice on Thursday? I 5_______ town all day on a school trip, and it 6_______ finish after five o'clock. I can't be sure.

Eli: No problem. I 7_______tell her.

Zac: You 8_______forget, will you?

Eli: Of course not!

Đáp án:

1. will

2. will

3. might

4. might

5. will

6. might

7. will

8. won’t

Exercise 3

Choose the correct words.

1. What will / are you going to do for your birthday?

2. I’ll / 'm going to study art at university.

3. Do you think they'll /'re going to enjoy the film?

4. We'll / 're going to fly to Paris. It's cheaper than the train.

5. 'Dad's out late tonight.' 'He'll /'s going to be home soon."

Đáp án:

1. are going to

2. ‘m going to

3. ‘ll

4. ‘re going to

5. ‘ll

Exercise 4

Complete the sentences using the correct future continuous form of the verbs in the box.

do                listen                   make            not watch         not work                 play                talk

At seven o'clock tomorrow evening…

1. My sister ___________ on the phone.

2. My dad ___________ dinner.

3. My mum ___________ at the hospital because it’s her night off.

4. I ___________ to music on the radio.

5. My friends ___________ games.

6. My brothers ___________ TV.

Đáp án:

1. My sister will be talking on the phone.

2. My dad will be making dinner.

3. My mum won’t be working at the hospital because it’s her night off.

4. I’ll be listening to music on the radio.

5. My friends will be playing games.

6. My brothers won’t be watching TV.

Exercise 5

Combine two sentences using to.

1. Jimmy studied really hard this term. He wanted to get better marks.

2. Most young people leave their hometown. They want to seek for opportunities in big cities.

3. You must take your raincoat this season. You can avoid getting a cold.

4. I try all my best to study Japanese. I hope I can find a better job.

5. Mrs Jenny turned off the radio. She wanted to take a nap.

Đáp án:

1. Jimmy studied really hard this term to get better marks.

2. Most young people leave their hometown to seek for opportunities in big cities.

3. You must take your raincoat this season to avoid getting a cold.

4. I try all my best to study Japanese to find a better job.

5. Mrs Jenny turned off the radio to take a nap.

Exercise 6

Complete the sentences about ability using can, could or be able to and the verbs in brackets.

1. I think she ________ the race next week. She's done so much training! (win)

2. They ________ by car tomorrow. There's too much traffic on Fridays. (come)

3. I ________ when I was four. (read)

4. I can't sing very well, but I ________ the guitar. (play)

5. My cousin ________ delicious meals when he was just a kid. (cook)

6. Salim is deaf. He ________ anything. (hear)

Đáp án:

1. will be able to win

2. will be able to come

3. could read

4. can play

5. could cook

6. can’t hear

Exercise 7

Complete the dialogue with must, mustn't, don't have to, should or shouldn't.

Joe: What do I need to know about this sport?

Max: First of all, you should wear warm clothes because it's a winter game that we play outdoors. Players 1 ________ usually wear green, but people don't worry too much about that.

Joe: OK, and how about safety equipment?

Max: Oh, you 2 ________ wear that because the ball isn't hard. And the rules say that you 3 ________ touch another player, so it's a safe game.

Joe: Good! I'll tell my mum that she 4 ________ worry about me playing it, then! What else?

Max: Well, it's OK to pick up the ball and throw it, but you 5 ________ run with it in your hands.

Joe: And how about kicking it with your feet? Max Everyone can do that, except the goalies. They 6 ________ only use their hands. Joe Oh! It's very different from football, then?

Max: Yes, it is.

Đáp án:

1. must

2. don’t have to

3. mustn’t

4. shouldn’t

5. should

6. must

Exercise 8

Complete the sentences to report what people said.

1. “It will be safer to buy a car than a motorbike.”

She said to her brother that _________________.

2. “The driver is parking across the entrance.”

I told my father that _______________________.

3. “Further action may be taken.”

The policeman said that ____________________.

4. “The election result is a victory for democracy."

The spokesman told the press that _____________.

5. “There may be delays on the railways.”

The man said that __________________________.

6. “His explanation is unconvincing.”

The judge said that _________________________.

7. “When the snow falls, I can't see where to go."

My friend told me that ______________________.

8. “As it is getting darker, I begin to realise my life is in danger.”

Tom said that ______________________________.

9. “She takes my hands and shows me how to hold the golf club properly.”

John told me that ___________________________.

10. “As we are walking over the hills, the guide warns us where the path is dangerous.”

The tourists said that ________________________.

Đáp án:

1. She said to her brother that it would be safer to buy  a car than a motorbike.

2. I told my father that the driver was parking across the entrance.

3. The policeman said that further action might be taken.

4. The spokesman told the press that the election result was a victory for democracy.

5. The man said that there might be delays on the railways.

6. The judge said that his explanation was unconvincing.

7. My friend told me that when the snow fell, he couldn’t see where to go.

8. Tom said that as it was getting darker, he began to realise his life was in danger.

9. John told me that she took his hands and showed him how to hold the golf club properly.

10. The tourists said that as they were walking over the hills, the guide warned them where the path was dangerous.

Exercise 9

Complete the second conditional sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Emma ________ (have) more friends if she ________ (be) more sympathetic.

2. If I ________ (not have) so much work to do, I ________ (relax) a lot more.

3. What ________ (you/do) if I ________ (tell) you a secret?

4. If we ________ (not have to) wear a school uniform, I ________ (spend) more money on clothes.

5. I ________ (not know) what to say if I ________ (see) my favourite celebrity.

6. If you ________ (win) the prize, how ________ (you/celebrate)?

Đáp án:

1. would have – were/ was

2. didn’t have – would relax

3. would you do – told

4. didn’t have to – would spend

5. wouldn’t know – saw

6. won – would you celebrate

Exercise 10

Rewrite the sentences using the passive form. Add by where necessary.

1. I damaged my bike in the accident.

My bike _____________________.

2. All the students use this library.

This library ___________________.

3. People don't use this computer every day.

This computer _________________.

4. Lucas gave those presents.

Those presents _________________.

5. They didn't make these chairs very well.

These chairs ___________________.

6. We play all our matches at the sports centre.

All our matches _________________.

Đáp án:

1. My bike was damaged in the accident.

2. This library is used by all the students.

3. This computer isn’t used every day.

4. Those presents are given by Lucas.

5. These chairs weren’t made very well.

6. All our matches are played at the sports centre.

III. Ngữ âm

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.


A. knowledge        

B. kitchen                   

C. kettle                     

D. chicken


A. below                

B. climbing                 

C. carbon                    

D. bamboo


A. people                

B. pencil                     

C. cupboard                

D. hopeful


A. horror                

B. harmful                  

C. hunter                    

D. honest


A. what                  

B. where                     

C. who                       

D. why


A. garage                

B. gender                   

C. gym                       

D. germe


A. ginger                

B. singer                     

C. agent                      

D. urgent


A. again                  

B. schoolgirl               

C. giggle                     

D. gesture

Đáp án:

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

5. C

6. A

7. B

7. D

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