Đề cương ôn tập học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 11 - Friends Global

2024-09-14 14:07:05


I. Từ vựng

Unit 5. Technology

+ Các hoạt động liên quan đến kĩ thuật số và máy vi tính

+ Sự kết hợp từ về máy vi tính

Unit 6. High-flyers

+ Danh từ và tính từ miêu tả tính cách

+ Những tính cách phù hợp với các công việc

Unit 7. Artists

+ Các hình thức nghệ thuật & nghệ sĩ

+ Các hoạt động văn hóa và nghệ thuật

Unit 8. Cities

+ Con người, địa điểm, phương tiện giao thông, các vấn đề trong thành phố

II. Ngữ pháp

1. Lượng từ: every one of/ none of

2. must/ have to/ động từ khuyết thiếu trong quá khứ

3. Câu chẻ

4. Danh động từ (V-ing)/ phân từ hoàn thành (Ved/P2)/ danh động từ hoàn thành (having Ved/P2)

5. Câu bị động

6. Thể truyền khiến: have something done

7. Câu điều kiện loại 3

8. Mệnh đề to V & Ved/V3/ V-ing (rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ)

III. Ngữ âm

1. Dạng viết tắt của “have”

2. Trọng âm chính trong cặp danh từ - tính từ

3. Trọng âm của từ

4. Ngữ điệu trong câu hỏi đuôi và câu hỏi có phản hồi


I. Từ vựng

Unit 5

Complete the sentences with compounds from the box.

operating system                 all-in-one display                 wireless mouse                 widescreen desktop                 battery life                 hard drive                 flash drive                 graphics card                  anti-virus protection                 spam filter                 Trojan horse                   search engine

1. 'What type of computer have you got?' 'It's an ________

2. The________ on my laptop isn't great so I have to keep recharging it.

3. I'll copy lots of songs onto a ________ so you can load them onto your computer.

4. You can stop most unwanted emails if you install a________

5. You use a________ by entering a keyword in the box and pressing enter.

6. You need a really good ________ in your computer if you want to play games with fast-moving and detailed images.

7. ________helps to protect the data on your computer from hackers.

8. Occasionally a________ is attached to something you download from the internet. This might allow someone to gain access to your computer.

Đáp án:

1. all-in-one display

2. battery life

3. flash drive

4. spam filter

5. search engine

6. graphics card

7. Anti-vius protection

8. Trojan horse

Unit 6

Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below.

bonus                   overtime              paid holiday              paperwork                   pay rise                 salary                              shifts                    sick pay                      training course                        workload

1. When she changed jobs, she took a large cut in __________.

2. If he meets his sales targets, he receives a £5,000 __________.

3. Some weeks, she has to work three eight-hour __________ in two days.

4. As a teacher, she gets thirteen weeks'__________ a year, including six weeks in the summer.

5. He's been off work since the accident, but he'll receive __________ until he's well enough to go back.

6. He's been doing a lot of __________ recently to earn some extra money for his holiday.

7. I used to earn more than you, but I haven't had a __________ for three years.

8. The company is sending all its employees on a __________ to improve their customer service skills.

9. He enjoys the practical aspects of his job, but he hates sitting at his desk doing the __________.

10. It's an interesting job, but he's finding it exhausting because of the huge__________.

Đáp án:

1. salary

2. bonus

3. shifts

4. paid holiday

5. sick pay

6. overtime

7. pay rise

8. training course

9. paperwork

10. workload

Unit 7

Complete the sentences with the words below.

arena                      art gallery                  circus                   comedy club                  concert hall                             library                      opera house                   museum                    theatre

1. We saw an amazing collection of Ancient Egyptian jewellery at the __________.

2. I enjoy watching acrobats at the __________, but I don't think they should use animals.

3. On Thursday evenings at my local __________, anyonecan have a go at being a comedian.

4. I went to see Mozart's The Magic Flute at the Met, a world- famous __________ in New York.

5. Some of these Impressionist paintings are privately owned and have never been seen in any __________

6. The Globe is a __________ in London where Shakespeare's plays are performed.

7. While we were in Vienna, we went to a __________ to hear a Beethoven piano recital.

8. At the O2 __________ in London, up to twenty thousand people can watch some of the biggest acts in music.

9. The British __________ holds around 170 million books and other items for students and researchers to access.

Đáp án:

1. museum

2. circus

3. comedy

4. opera house

5. art gallery

6. theatre

7. concert hall

8. arena

9. library

Unit 8

Complete the sentences with the compound nouns from the box.

street vendor              car park              city hall              noise pollution              ticket booth              information centre              lost property office              high street

1. You can find the new album in any shop on the ___________.

2. I lost the way to the hotel, but luckily ___________ who could speak English showed me the way.

3. I do not want to live near the airport; I can't stand the ___________.

4. From the view of the hotel room, tourists can see the ___________with its ancient architecture.

5. When I first arrived in this city, I went straight to an ___________to ask for a map.

6. The __________ is not large enough for such a great number of cars.

7. If you left your handbag on the tube, you can come to the __________ and get it back.

8. I will be waiting for you at the __________ round 7pm. The film will start at 7:30.

Đáp án:

1. high street

2. street vendor

3. noise pollution

4. city hall

5. information centre

6. car park

7. lost property office

8. ticket booth

II. Ngữ pháp

Exercise 1

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. In our school, not every / each student studies English.

2. John can kick the ball really well with either / both foot.

3. The exam was very difficult, so few / a few managed to finish.

4. This coffee is rather bitter. Can you put little / a little sugar in it, please?

5. How much / many pizzas shall we buy?

6. Do all / every cats like milk?

7. The teacher has marked every / all piece of homework.

8. All the / Every student answered the question, but each / every student gave a different answer.

Đáp án:

1. each

2. both

3. few

4. a little

5. many

6. all

7. every

8. All the - each

Exercise 2

Choose the best words to complete the sentences.

1. You look freezing. You_____worn a coat.

A. should have

B. might not have

C. could have

2. Ask that question again; the teacher _____ heard you.

A. shouldn't have

B. could have

C. can't have

3. Your brother has been using your email account. You _____ told him your password.

A. must have

B. mustn't have

C. couldn't have

4. Jack is really upset. You _____ laughed at him!

A. may not have

B. can't have

C. shouldn't have

5. I sent you a postcard, but you _____ received it yet.

A. may have

B. should have

C. might not have

6. Your phone is dead again. The instruction says you _____ recharge it after use.

A. don't have to

B. must have to

C. have to

7. I can't remember when I last saw you. Maybe it was last April, or it ____ been in the summer.

A. might have

B. must have

C. can't have

8. You ____ invite Sam to your party. He's a really nice guy.

A. have to

B. must

C. don't have to

9. We were nearly late yesterday. We ____ run for the bus.

A. have to

B. must

C. had to

Đáp án:

1. A

2. C

3. A

4. C

5. C

6. C

7. A

8. A

9. C

Exercise 3

Complete the sentences with despite / in spite of or although / even though.

1. ______________ exams are important, students also need to continue doing their hobbies.

2. Many young people enjoy extreme sports, ______________ the danger.

3. Cooking is an important life skill, ______________ many teenagers cannot do it.

4. Most teenagers relax in the evenings, ______________ having large amounts of homework.

5. You learn as much from extra-curricular activities as you do in lessons, ______________ you don't do exams in them.

6. You can learn a musical instrument at any age, ______________ it's easier when you are young.

Đáp án:

1. although

2. despite

3. although

4. despite

5. although

6. although

Exercise 4

Rewrite the following sentences using cleft sentences.

1. Many patients can recover from illnesses because they are always full of optimism.

=> It is because ______________________________________

2. Sarah, not Elly won the first prize in our school Art Competition.

=> It was Sarah ______________________________________

3. High flyers have made success of their orginal ideas thanks to self-motivation.

=> It is thanks to ______________________________________

4. Wangari Maathai, one of the greatest environmentalists, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004.

=> It was in 2004 ______________________________________

5. Amelia Humfress came up with the idea of a business when she was looking for a design course.

=> It was when ______________________________________

6. Lack of confidence prevents young people from making sucess.

=> It is lack ______________________________________

7. Instrument makers are expected to work with great accuracy.

=> It is with ______________________________________

8. The architect Dang Viet Nga created the Crazy House.

=> It was the Crazy House ______________________________________

Đáp án:

1. It is because they are always full of optimism that many patients can recover from illnesses.

2. It was Sarah that won the first prize in our school Art Competition, not Elly.

3. It is thanks to self-motivation that high flyers have made a success of their original ideas.

4. It was in 2004 that Wangari Maathai, one of the greatest environmentalists, won the Nobel Peace Prize.

5. It was when she was looking for a design course that Amelia Humfress came up with the idea of a business.

6. It is lack of confidence that prevents young people from making success.

7. It is with great accuracy that instrument makers are expected to work.

8. It was the Crazy House that the architect Dang Viet Nga created.

Exercise 5

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. ________ along the beach is very relaxing.

A. Having walked

B. Walking

C. Walked

2. ________ to class late for many times, he made his teacher angry.

A. To come

B. Having come

C. Came

3. It's not worth________ for a refund if you don't like the food.

A. Having asked

B. Ask

C. asking

4. She scolded her son for ________ rock climbing on his own.

A. to go

B. gone

C. having gone

5. ________ a long way to find the restaurant was closed, we were very disappointed.

A. Having driven

B. Driving

C. To drive

6. The rescue team succeeded in ________ the car up the hill.

A. having pushed

B. pushed

C. pushing

Đáp án:

1. B

2. B

3. C

4. C

5. A

6. A

Exercise 6

Complete the sentences with the passive form of the verbs below. Use an appropriate tense.

destroy                film                  perform                sell                 steal                upload                      use

1. Six paintings _______________ from the museum last night.

2. We had to have our choir rehearsal outside yesterday because the school hall _______________ for a meeting.

3. This play _______________ only _______________ two or three times in the last fifty years.

4. By the time they put the fire out, most of the opera house _______________.

5. Millions of photos _______________ to social networking sites every day.

6. When the new art gallery opens next year, the old art gallery _______________ to property developers.

7. They're halfway through making the film. It _______________in the Middle East.

Đáp án:

1. were stolen

2. was used

3. has – been performed

4. had been destroyed

5. are uploaded

6. will be stolen

7. is being filmed

Exercise 7

Complete the second sentence in each pair to mean the same as the first. Use the structure have something done.

1. Somebody vandalised our car at the weekend.

=> We ______________________ at the weekend.

2. They dyed Grace's hair at the hairdresser's.

=> Grace ______________________ at the hairdresser's.

3. They're going to repair my laptop by Monday.

=> I ______________________ by Monday.

4. They chose Seth's photo for the front cover of the magazine.

=> Seth ______________________ for the front cover of the magazine.

5. My uncle's nose was broken in a boxing match.

=> My uncle ______________________ in a boxing match.

6. Somebody designed a new website for my dad's business.

=> My dad ______________________ for his business.

Đáp án:

1. We had our car vandalised at the weekend.

2. Grace had her hair dyed at the hairdresser's.

3. I am going to have my laptop repaired by Monday.

4. Seth had his photo chosen for the front cover of the magazine.

5. My uncle had his nose broken in a boxing match.

6. My dad had a new website designed for his business.

Exercise 8

Write third conditional sentences. Use the verbs in brackets.

1. If I ______________ (drive) faster, we ______________ (arrive) before six.

2. If Mary ______________ (get) to the cinema earlier, she ______________(see) the start of the film.

3. You ______________ (know) what to do if you ______________ (listen) to the instructions.

4. You ______________ (not cut) yourself if you ______________ (not be) so careless with the knife.

5. If I ______________ (have) the time, I ______________ (call) you.

6. I ______________ (not get) angry if you (not be) so rude!

7. Do you think you ______________(pass) your exams if you ______________ (work) harder?

Đáp án:

1. had driven – would have arrived

2. had got – would have seen

3. would have known – had listened

4. wouldn’t have cut – hadn’t been

5. had had – would have called

6. wouldn’t have got – hadn’t been

7. would have passed – had worked

Exercise 9

Rewrite the sentences using participle clauses to replace the relative clauses.

1. I saw three men who were arguing about a taxi.

2. We talked to a young man who wanted to study in England.

3. A suspected burglar, who had been arrested by the police, has escaped.

4. My uncle bought a pen that was made of gold.

5. She was wearing a necklace that belonged to her grandmother.

6. Three men, who were coming out of the restaurant late at night, saw the robbery.

Đáp án:

1. I saw three men arguing about a taxi.

2. We talked to a young man wanting to study in England.

3. A suspected burglar, arrested by the police, has escaped.

4. My uncle bought a pen made of gold.

5. She was wearing a necklace belonging to her grandmother.

6. Three men, coming out of the restaurant late at night, saw the robbery.

Exercise 10

Complete the following sentences with the correct question tags.

1. You hadn't seen your friends for years, __________?

2. Let's go away for a few days, __________?

3. You'd rather be alone this evening, __________?

4. Nobody was surprised at his decision, __________?

5. We won't arrive on time, __________?

6. Your parents were teachers, __________?

7. I'm the best chess player in the school, __________?

8. You had double maths this morning, __________?

Đáp án:

1. had you

2. shall we

3. wouldn’t you

4. were they

5. will we

6. weren’t they

7. aren’t I

8. didn’t you

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