Tổng hợp 5 đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 6 English Discovery có đáp án

2024-09-14 16:41:05

Đề 1

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.


A. studied              

B. invented                

C. learned                   

D. cleaned


A. question             

B. information            

C. invention               

D. conversation


A. cheat                  

B. chef                       

C. charity                   

D. teacher

II. Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest.


A. farmer                

B. college                   

C. police                     

D. artist


A. invite                 

B. success                   

C. traffic                    

D. excuse

III. Choose the best answer for each question.

6. In France, you __________ take off your shoes when you visit someone’s house - you can have them on.

A. mustn't                  

B. don’t have to         

C. can’t                      

D. must

7. The opposite direction of the south is _________.

A. southern                

B. west                       

C. east                        

D. north

8. How often do you travel by public _________? - Twice a week, I think.

A. transport                

B. car                          

C. traffic                    

D. means

9. Your ______ language is the language that you learned at home when you were a kid.

A. foreign                   

B. native                     

C. ethnic                     

D. old

10. We ______________ the Eiffel Tower on the 20th next month.

A. visit                       

B. visited                    

C. are visiting             

D. are visited

11. ___________________________? - I went to bed at around 10 p.m.

A. Did you go to bed early yesterday? you do last night?

B. When do you go to sleep every night?

C. Where did you go yesterday evening?

D. When did you go to bed yesterday?

12. I often go to school ____ foot, but today I’m riding my bike. 

A. by                          

B. in                           

C. at                           

D. on

13. He usually practises tennis with his friends in the tennis ________.

A. racket                    

B. court                      

C. track                      

D. pool

14. There’s ____ book on the table. ____ book’s cover is green. 

A. a/a                          

B. the/the                   

C. a/the                       

D. the/a

15. You _____ forget to do your project. It’s very important to your scores.

A. must                      

B. have to                   

C. don’t have to         

D. must not

IV. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in the bracket. 

16. When I grow up, I want to be a ______________. (POLITIC)

17. She works as a ____________ in a famous hotel in Da Nang. (RECEIVE)

18. We can use the Internet for ____________ with our foreign friends. (COMMUNICATE)

19. Yoga and table tennis are _________ sports. (OUT)

20. The weather today is a little bit _______, so it can be difficult to drive. (FOG)

V. Listen to an interview with a young History student called Brendan. Decide if these sentences are True (T) or False (F).

21. Brendan’s main subject at university is History.  ________

22. Brendan studies at the University of Technology. _______

23. Brendan is most interested in the nineteen eighties. _______

24. Brendan likes studying about successful technology the most. _______

25. The bag alarm made a noise and red smoke. _______

VI. Read the text and choose the best answer for the below questions.

My First Concert

Hi, I’m Lori. I play the guitar in a band. I started learning it about two years ago and the group got together last year. Anyway, a week ago we had our first concert and I want to tell you about it.

It was at the local town hall, not far from my school.. The concert was to make some money for three local charities that help nature and animals. There were two other groups as well as us. Another group wanted to play too, but their singer was ill, so they couldn’t do it.

The town hall is big enough for about three hundred people, but unfortunately there were only about eighty people there (and thirty of them were our friends and families!). We played rock and the older kids’ band played hip-hop, so there was a good mix of music.

26. Lori joined her band ___________.

A. four years ago       

B. five years ago        

C. two years ago        

D. one year ago

27. Lori’s first concert was at ___________.

A. a hotel                   

B. her school              

C. the town hall          

D. a charity show

28. Money from the concert went to ___________.

A. some charities        

B. one of the singers  

C. the bands               

D. the families

29. How many bands played at the concert?

A. three                      

B. two                        

C. one                        

D. four

30. How many people can watch a concert at the town hall?

A. 80                          

B. 100                        

C. 50                          

D. 300

VII. Rearrange the words to make a complete sentence.

31. provide / should / password / online / You / to / websites / not / your.

=> ____________________________________________________________.

32. sunny / We / go / if / is / shopping / it / tomorrow / will / together.


VIII. Rewrite the sentence using the word given in the bracket. DO NOT CHANGE THE GIVEN WORDS.

33. It is compulsory for you to wear uniform at school. (HAVE)

=> ____________________________________________________.

34. Who won the football championship at your school last year? (WAS)

=> ____________________________________________________.

35. Bill is an excellent student in Math class. (BRILLIANT)

=> ____________________________________________________.

36. We’re planning to visit our uncle’s house this weekend. (GOING)

=> _____________________________________________________.

37. It isn’t necessary to take off your shoes here. (DON’T HAVE)

=> _____________________________________________________.

IX. Make complete sentences using the suggested words. Make changes to the words if necessary.

38. When/ my grandmother/ young/ she/ go/ school/ foot.

=> _________________________________________________.

39. Next summer/ we/ going/ visit/ Paris/ with/ our families.

=> _________________________________________________.

40. If/ I/ break/ window/ my dad/ not/ let/ use/ computer/ anymore.

=> _________________________________________________.

----------------THE END----------------

Đề 2

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.


A. cheap                 

B. chicken                  

C. machine                 

D. teacher


A. lane                    

B. father                     

C. danger                   

D. celebrate


A. conversation      

B. future                     

C. nature                    

D. question

II. Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest.


A. address              

B. college                   

C. agree                      

D. website


A. coffee                

B. cartoon                  

C. begin                      

D. police

III. Choose the best answer for each question.

6. You ___________ to pick up our customer at the airport at four o’clock.

A. has                         

B. have                       

C. can                         

D. must

7. There’s a bus stop very near my house so I get ______________ it there to go to school.

A. on                          

B. up                          

C. down                     

D. in

8. I prefer ___________ sports – I’m not very good at playing with other people. 

A. individual              

B. team                       

C. teams                     

D. individuals

9. The television is in ____ of the table.

A. opposite                 

B. between                 

C. behind                   

D. front

10. We are really lucky. They ____________ a new school next year.

A. build                      

B. built                       

C. are building            

D. building

11. ___________________________? - I get up at around 7 a.m. 

A. What did you do yesterday morning ?      

B. When do you get up every morning?

C. Where do you go yesterday morning ?     

D. When did you get up yesterday?

12. Think of  ________  interesting city. What is the name of ________ city?

A. an - the                  

B. a - the                    

C. the - an                  

D. an - a

13. Jenny ______ a new job as a car seller. She is really happy about that. 

A. got                         

B. made                      

C. lost                         

D. built

14. He draws pictures of buildings for builders. He is ___________. 

A. a architect              

B. an architect            

C. an mechanic           

D. a mechanic

15. When crossing the road, we ________ follow the traffic lights.

A. must not                

B. have to                   

C. don’t have to         

D. must 

IV. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in the bracket.

16. In modern life, cooking rice is just a piece of cake with a _________ . (COOK)

17. Anna moved to Hanoi just two months ago. She is having some __________ problems with native speakers. (COMMUNICATE)

18. Some famous TikTokers are now trying to be true ____________. (ART)

19. To save money for her study, Jimmy worked part-time as a __________ . (WAIT)

20. She swam and sunbathed, went ____________ , and relaxed. (SIGHTSEE)

V. You will hear Paul talking to his friend, Anna, about a school trip. Decide if these sentences are True (T) or False (F).

21. Paul and Anna are going to meet some journalists at the stadium. ________

22. Anna prefers traveling on the underground. _______

23. Paul and Anna will leave at 8.30. _______

24. Mr Fox said students should take the mobile phones. _______

25. The total price for the trip is £5.75 . _______

VI. Read the email and decide whether the below statement is true (T) or false (F).

My First Big Tennis Match

My name’s Mario and I love tennis! My first game was when I was three. Four years ago, I joined my first club and started playing against other clubs. A month ago, my coach said that the area team wanted me to play for them next week. If I do well, the next step is to play at national level. So my first big match was very important!

I played against the under-16 national champion. At most of my matches there are maybe twenty people watching, including five from my family. At this match, there were two hundred people! I surprised myself by winning the first four games. After that, I didn’t do so well. I hurt my foot. Because this tennis court was hard, I jumped to get the ball and hurt it when I came down. I was OK, but I wasn’t as fast after that.

26. Mario started playing at a tennis club _____________.

A. when he was three             

B. four years ago       

C. a month ago           

D. next week

27. Mario’s first big match was for _____________.

A. his family                          

B. his tennis club       

C. the national team

D. his area team

28. Mario’s first big match was against _____________.

A. a national champion          

B. his tennis club       

C. his area team         

D. an over-16 tennis club

29. Mario says _____ people usually go to his matches.

A. 5                                        

B. 20                         

C. 200                        

D. 225

30. Mario was surprised by ____________.

A. how relaxed he was                                              

B. how good the other player was

C. how well he did at the beginning of the match    

D. how he hurt his foot

VII. Rearrange the words to make a complete sentence.

31. bring / should / mobile phones / not/ online / Students / to / classrooms/.

=> __________________________________________________________

32. rainy / We / go / if / is / swimming / it / tomorrow / will / not/ together.

=> __________________________________________________________

VIII. Rewrite the sentence using the word given in the bracket. DO NOT CHANGE THE GIVEN WORDS.

33. It is not compulsory for you to wear uniform at school on Tuesdays. (DON’T HAVE)

=> __________________________________________________________

34. Who composed the song “Viet Nam chien thang”? (WAS)


35. It is necessary to wait for the green light to cross the street. (HAVE)

=> __________________________________________________________

36. We’re planning to visit our uncle’s house this weekend. (GOING)

=> __________________________________________________________

37. Don’t talk during the exam! (MUST)

=> __________________________________________________________

IX. Make complete sentences using the suggested words. Make changes to the words if necessary.

38. I/ big fan/ musicals/ I/ love/ dance.


39. Next summer/ we/ going/ visit/ Hanoi/ with/ our families.

=> __________________________________________________________

40. If/ I/ get/ bad marks/ final exam/ father/ not/ let/ use/ computer/ anymore.

=> __________________________________________________________

-----------------------THE END-----------------------

Đề 3

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.


A. college               

B. dangerous              

C. lifeguard                

D. language


A. car                     

B. fast                        

C. place                      

D. start


A. Chicago             

B. chat                        

C. charge                    

D. cheap

II. Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest.


A. electrician          

B. assistant                 

C. politician                

D. education


A. hiking                

B. dangerous              

C. sunbathing             

D. university

III. Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following sentences.

6. If I __________ a high score on the exam, my mother __________ me a violin.

A. get - won't buy      

B. got - buy                

C. get - will buy         

D. got - will buy

7. Everyday he goes to school ___ foot.

A. on                          

B. by                          

C. in                           

D. under

8. Hanoi is the __________ city of Việt Nam.

A. capital                    

B. centre                     

C. key                         

D. main

9. The computer is the most important __________ in the last century.

A. electricity              

B. invention               

C. inventor                 

D. experiment

10. We often play sports in a small football _________.

A. pitch                      

B. court                      

C. track                      

D. pool

11. Robots __________ all the housework for people in the future.

A. do                          

B. does                       

C. did                         

D. will do

12. _________ in the sea is a favourite activity on hot days in Vietnam.

A. Swim                     

B. Swimming             

C. Hiking                   

D. Skiing

13. There is __________  special statue in New York. It is __________ Statue of Liberty.

A. a - a                        

B. a - an                      

C. a - the                    

D. the – the

14. “When  __________ these game consoles?” - “In the 90s, I think.”

A. they produced       

B. did they produce   

C. were they produce 

D. do they produce

15. I often _______ swimming and ________ gymnastics in the summer.

A. do/do                     

B. go/do                     

C. do/go                     

D. go/go

IV. Write the correct forms of the words in brackets.

16. Vincent van Gogh is a famous __________ of all time. (ART)

17. I can’t solve this problem. I will contact my __________ tomorrow. (LAW)

18. We're going _______  in Moc Chau. (HIKE)

19. Look! It is ________. It is going to rain. (CLOUD)

20. If you want to travel to Việt Nam, you should know about some ________ rules in this country. (CULTURE)

V. Listen to a conversation between two students talking about jobs and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).

21. Anna wants to become a vet.       

22. Anna wants to work at a big hospital.     

23. Anna loves animals.         

24. James’s friends think he doesn’t want to talk much.                   

25. James wants to have a nine-to-five job.   

VI. Read the text about Jim’s holiday plan and choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

Well, last month, my friend, Andy and I had a crazy idea. We decided we would cycle from the north to the south of Vietnam, from Ha Giang province to Ho Chi Minh City. It’s a 1902 kilometre trip! It will take ten to fourteen days. But I’m not a fast cyclist, and I want to enjoy visiting different places, so we plan to ride for four weeks. We are going to start our trip next week in Ha Giang City. We will visit historic cities like Hue and Ha Tinh, cycle through the pretty countryside and visit museums and castles on the way. Andy wanted to camp, but I’d like a comfortable bed at the end of each day, so we are going to stay in a homestay. I hope it doesn’t rain a lot, but I hope it’s not too hot either! Hopefully it will be cloudy along the way.

26. Jim and his friend decided  that they would go on a trip by ______.

A. bike                        

B. car                          

C. motorbike              

D. bus

27. Travelling from the north to the south of Vietnam takes _________ days.

A. 10 to 13                 

B. 10 to 14                 

C. 10 to 15                 

D. 11 to 15

28. They are going to start their trip in _________.

A. Hue                        

B. Ha Tinh                  

C. Ha Giang               

D. Ho Chi Minh City

29. On the way, they will NOT visit __________.

A. Hue and Ha Tinh                                       

C. countryside

B. museums and castles                                 

D. beaches

30. Jim hopes the weather will be ________ along the way.

A. sunny                     

B. windy                    

C. hot                         

D. cloudy

VII. Read the passage and choose the best answer to fill in each blank.

There are about 6,900 languages spoken in the world. One of the (31) _________ languages which has a very small number of speakers is Hawaiian.

People speak this language (32) _________ the American state of Hawaii. Through most of the eighteenth century, Hawaiian was the only language people on the islands used, (33) _________ European travellers started to arrive and brought their languages with them, starting with explorers from England in 1778 and then the Spanish arrived in 1789.

The number of Hawaiian speakers started to (34) _________ when many schools started to use English as their main language for teaching. The good news is that, thanks to the teaching of Hawaiian again in school, (35) _________ number of fluent speakers is now up to over 24,000 people. So Hawaiian is growing again!


A. largest              

B. biggest                   

C. tiniest                     

D. most popular


A. in                     

B. on                          

C. at                           

D. by


A. and                  

B. so                           

C. or                           

D. but


A. go up               

B. go down                

C. go on                     

D. go out        


A. x                      

B. a                             

C. the                          

D. an

VIII. Use the suggested words to rewrite the sentences.

36. I pass my exams. I will be so happy.             

=> If ___________________________________.

37. Nothing can scare him at all. (AFRAID)

=> He __________________________________.

IX. Reorder the words to make the meaning sentences.

38. students/ can/ the morning/ a bus/ In/ to school/ take/.

=> __________________________________.

39. is/ My/ next to/ the bus station/ house/.

=> __________________________________.

40. in/ are/ cooking/ the/ they/ kitchen/ together/ moment/ the/ at/.

=> __________________________________.

--------------------THE END--------------------

Đề 4

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.


A. pilot                   

B. police                     

C. science                   

D. driver


A. lane                    

B. bags                       

C. celebrate                

D. accommodation


A. language            

B. message                 

C. massage                 

D. village

II. Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest.


A. architect            

B. mechanic               

C. firefighter              

D. secretary


A. accommodation 

B. celebrate                

C. rainy                      

D. motorbike

III. Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following sentences.

6. The football match starts at 7.30 tomorrow morning. Remember to come __________.

A. on time                  

B. at time                   

C. with time               

D. of time

7. She goes to the office in the morning. She works a __________ job.

A. eight-to-five          

B. nine-to-five            

C. four-to-six             

D. nine-to-six

8. I am driving. I __________ you later. 

A. am calling             

B. won’t call              

C. will call                 

D. call

9. We ________ a Maths lesson tomorrow morning.

A. have                       

B. are going to have   

C. are having              

D. am having

10. There are not usually ________ for bikers in Vietnam.

A. bike lane                

B. bus station             

C. car park                  

D. train station

11. People say we should not go hiking on _______ days. We may get wet.

A. cloudy                   

B. sunny                     

C. rainy                      

D. warm

12. In many Asian countries, you have to __________ your shoes if you want to visit someone’s home.

A. take off                  

B. take on                   

C. taking off              

D. to take off

13. __________ is the language that a person learns from earliest childhood.

A. Foreign language  

B. Ethnic language     

C. Native language    

D. Nation language

14. “What is your favourite __________?” - “It’s Google. I use it to check information.”

A. search engine         

B. email                      

C. social network       

D. smartphone

15. “________________________?” - “I do judo in my free time.”

A. Are you interested in sports?                    

B. What do you do in your free time?

C. What did you do when you were younger?

D. Are you a sports fanatic?

IV. Write the correct forms of the words in brackets.

16. My father is a CEO. He has a lot of __________ to help him with work. (ASSIST)

17. My work everyday is so tiring but I don’t want to quit. I don’t want to be __________. (EMPLOY)

18. Driving is very dangerous in the _______ weather. (FOG)

19. We're having the party in the garden, so I hope it'll be _________. (SUN)

20. These people are __________. They don’t go to school and they cannot read or write. (LITERATE)

V. Listen and choose the correct option.  

21. They're going to arrive in Glasgow at __________ p.m.

A. 10:45                     

B. 22:45                     

C. Maths                    

D. Biology

22. The weather in London is _________.

A. hot                         

B. rainy                      

C. cloudy                   

D. foggy

23. The weather in the north of Carlisle is _________.

A. foggy                     

B. windy                    

C. sunny                     

D. good

24. In the summer of 1976, the weather was ________ everyday for weeks.

A. hot                         

B. cloudy                   

C. sunny                     

D. rainy

25. That year, the children spent the whole summer in the __________.

A. park                       

B. picnic                     

C. camp                      

D. beach

VI. Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each of the following questions.

Part-time Jobs for Children

In Britain, children can have a part-time job when they are thirteen. A lot of teenagers work in the evenings or at weekends as assistants at some shops, or in restaurants and fast-food places. Others choose to deliver newspapers before they go to school in the morning. Girls often find work as babysitters for busy parents. In Westminster Secondary school near London, sixty percent of students say that they have a part-time job. Most say that they use the money from their jobs to buy new clothes and CDs or comic books. Part-time jobs are often hard and not very exciting. Most part-time jobs don’t get much money, but children can get important work experience and learn many things about the world.

26.  At what age children can have a job in Britain? 

A. 13                          

B. 14                          

C. 12                          

D. 15

27. Where can children work as assistants?

A. airport                    

B. police station         

C. restaurant               

D. hospital

28. How many students at Westminster Secondary school have a part-time job?

A. 60%                       

B. 66%                       

C. 16%                       

D. 50%

29. What do students usually spend their money on?

A. games                    

B. cosmetics              

C. toys                        

D. clothes

30. What can children get from part-time work?

A. books                     

B. work experience    

C. excitement            

D. a lot of money

VII. Read the passage and choose the best answer to fill in each blank.


A visit to Scotland often begins in Edinburgh, (31) _______ capital city of Scotland. Edinburgh is an old city with many important and interesting buildings. (32) _______ London, Edinburgh is the second city for visitors in Britain every year.

Edinburgh is a hilly city, (33) _______ it is a good city to visit on foot. You can look at the shops on the Royal Mile of Princes Street in the New Town. Some shops sell the famous Scottish tartans and you can see the name of the family which (34) _______ with each tartan. Near Princes Street is Charlotte Square, which is very beautiful. There is also the National Gallery of Scotland, with pictures from Scotland and from many other countries too.

In August, you (35) _______ visit the Edinburgh Festival, the biggest arts festival in the world, in autumn, with hundreds of different things to do and see.


A. a                      

B. an                           

C. the                         

D. x


A. Before             

B. After                      

C. With                      

D. Next


A. but                   

B. and                        

C. so                           

D. or


A. walks               

B. runs                        

C. jogs                        

D. goes


A. must                

B. will                        

C. can                         

D. have to

VIII. Rearrange the given words to make complete sentences. Do not change the given words.

36. mom / angry / do / don’t / If / my /, / be / I / will / housework / very / the

=> _________________________________.

37. up / wants / when / he / police / Kevin / to / a/ become / officer / grows

=> _________________________________.

38. to / wear / work / time / You / on / and / a / go / have / to / uniform

=> _________________________________.

39. at/ We/ going/ get on/ to/ a bus/ are/ 8:00/.

=> _________________________________.

40. They/ in front of/ are/ the/ sitting/ bike lane/.

=> _________________________________.

--------------------THE END--------------------

Đề 5

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.


A. cooks                 

B. mouths                   

C. months                   

D. pants


A. nation                

B. question                 

C. population             

D. position


A. charger              

B. change                   

C. machine                 

D. chore

II. Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest.


A. island                 

B. ocean                     

C. sentence                 

D. surprise


A. Olympics           

B. reporter                  

C. champion               

D. gymnasium

III. Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following sentences.

6. If you __________ hard, you __________ able to pass the exam.

A. study - will                                               

B. don’t study - won’t be       

C. don’t study - will be                                  

D. study - won’t be

7. My father is a/an __________. He designs houses and buildings.

A. mechanic               

B. electrician              

C. architect                 

D. builder

8. He is brilliant __________ playing football, but he is afraid __________ swimming.

A. at - at                     

B. of - at                     

C. to - of                    

D. at - of

9. I always get __________ the bus at this corner.

A. under                     

B. in                           

C. by                          

D. on

10. I ___________ to Ho Chi Minh City to study this summer.

A. am going to go      

B. am going                

C. go                          

D. goes

11. Everyday Nam does not go to school by train because his house is far from the train _______.

A. stop                       

B. lane                        

C. station                    

D. park

12. What is the name of the longest __________ of Việt Nam?

A. island                     

B. river                       

C. ocean                     

D. sea

13. The battery of my smartphone is dying. Give me the __________.

A. hairdryer                

B. helicopter               

C. charger                   

D. kettle

14. The __________ of Australia is about twenty six million.

A. population             

B. popular                  

C. money                    

D. language

15. What are your hobbies and interests? - I’m ________ basketball and chess.

A. of                           

B. in                           

C. into                        

D. onto

IV. Write the correct forms of the words in brackets.

16. He felt confused and __________ after losing his job. (HOPE)

17. Swimming, _________ and water-skiing are common water sports. (SURF)

18. In Việt Nam, _________ are respected, so you have to be careful when you talk to them. (OLD)

19. Smartphones are very _________ because they help us with a lot of things. (USE)

20. Lance Amstrong is one of the most famous international __________. He inspired a lot of people to ride bikes. (CYCLE)

V. Listen to a conversation and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).

21. Michael feels amazed about his trip around the world.

22. Michael didn’t learn much about different people.

23. In North American countries it is rude to arrive on time?

24. In some places, a behaviour can be both good and bad. 

25. It’s rude to make noise when you are eating.

VI. Read the text and the sentences below. Which holiday  (A, B, C or D) is each sentence about? You can use the letters more than once.

Holidays of the Week

A. For an unusual family holiday, why not stay on a train? You get to live and sleep in a 1950s railway carriage in a small village in Cornwall in the southwest of England. There’s a living room, kitchen and two bedrooms. It’s only 3 km from the beach and the cycling in the area is fantastic.

B. If music’s your thing, then how about a holiday with a difference in Gambia, finding out how to play traditional African musical instruments? The price includes 5-star accommodation in huts built to look like a traditional African village and two hours of lessons per day.

C. A beautiful farmhouse in the quiet French countryside is a very traditional way to take a break, but there’s a good reason why it’s still so popular – it’s brilliant! You can try the local dishes at the many restaurants in the area, there’s superb hiking in the nearby hills and you can go swimming in the lakes there.

Which holiday  …

26. … gives you a chance to learn to play musical instruments?      

27. … gives you a chance to live and sleep in a railway carriage?   

28. … is NOT a very different kind of holiday?       

29. … is best for people who love good foods?        

30. … is best for someone who likes spending time by the sea?      

VII. Read the passage and choose the best answer to fill in each blank.

Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin is one of the first Hollywood movie (31) _________. He was born in Britain in a poor family in 1889. He left school when he was very young and worked a number of jobs (32) _________. Then he started to perform in a variety theater as a comic actor.

In 1913, he emigrated to America (33) _________he wanted to become a film actor. He entered the film industry and invented the character of Charlie the Tramp.

He is a funny short man (34) _________a black mustache and a bowler hat. Chaplin made wonderful comedy films, but all these films were silent. They didn’t have spoken dialogues or soundtrack, but they had subtitles and music. Chaplin was brilliant and his comic character (35) _________still famous all over the world.


A. planets             

B. stars                       

C. moons                    

D. suns


A. survive             

B. surviving                

C. to survive               

D. survived


A. because            

B. and                        

C. so                           

D. or


A. in                     

B. with                       

C. on                          

D. under


A. was                  

B. will be                   

C. had been                

D. is

VIII. Use the given words or phrases to make complete sentences.

36. Bob / good / calculating / he/ excellent / Math

=> ________________________________________

37. In / 2035 / children / study / home / do / homework / online

=> ________________________________________

38. Which / foreign / language / you / study / next / semester

=> ________________________________________

39. This week/ we/ going/ spend/ holiday/ in Sam Son/.

=> ________________________________________

40. We/ should/ tell/ parents/ if/ we/ want/ make/ phone/ call/ new friends / online.

=> ________________________________________

--------------------THE END--------------------

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